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       At McKenzie Professional Solutions, our vision is to revolutionize strategic planning for small to mid-sized businesses and startups by harnessing the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI).


       MPS is a strategic management brand that leverages AI to help individuals and organizations shape a better future. We offer exceptional strategic management solutions, training, coaching, and implementation support, enabling our clients to significantly enhance their performance, efficiency, and growth potential.


How we Can Help You:

We focus on helping teams and organizations facing the following challenges: 

Unclear or Nonexistent Future Vision

Unclear Direction and Guidance

Teams or Team Members Moving in Different Directions


Ineffective Comunication Process

Unclear or Nonexistent Organizational Priorities and Goals 

Leadership Changes

 Acheive your success now!

"The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do." Bill Phillips

MPS Strategic Planning Methodology


        Almost all leaders, managers, and executives fundamentally believe that business strategy is crucial for remaining relevant and essential for growth. A strategic plan helps set the foundation and direction for your organization, establishing a forward-focused vision that aligns organizational efforts with strategic goals.


       MPS has developed a methodology that integrates the power of AI to create strategic plans based on a solid foundation and designed for execution. What sets this methodology apart is its scalability and adaptability, allowing it to be customized according to your level of understanding and familiarity with strategic planning and AI. Whether you are developing a new strategic plan or refining an existing one, our methodology can be tailored to meet your needs.


       MPS has transformed its methodology into a 5-step process. This process is encapsulated in the acronym UDICE, which stands for Understand, Define, Identify, Create, and Employ. Each step is designed to leverage AI to enhance decision-making, optimize resources, and ensure that strategic initiatives are aligned with your business objectives.


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Rich McKenzie
Managing Director

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Phone: (786) 584-9970




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